November 14, 2011
Contact: Rina Shah
Fred on Michigan Primary Ballot!!!
We received some very exciting news on Friday.
Fred will be on the Michigan Primary ballot on February 28, 2012.
There were only 11 Republicans placed on the ballot by the Michigan Republican Party and the Michigan Secretary of State. This is great news and should really help with other primaries and even debates. From the news release:
“The Michigan Department of State today released the 2012 presidential primary candidate list. The list is available online at
Under state law, the department is required to create a list of presidential candidates ‘generally advocated by the national news media’ for the presidential primary election.”

Last Updated: November 11. 2011 1:17PM
Michigan GOP presidential ballot lists 11 candidates
Associated Press
For link to story, CLICK HERE
Lansing — Eleven Republican presidential candidates are on the ballot so far for Michigan’s Feb. 28 presidential primary. The Michigan Department of State released the list Friday.
President Barack Obama is the only Democrat. Democratic activists plan to nominate their favorite at May 5 party caucuses, not through a primary election.
The chairmen of the state Democratic and Republican parties have until Tuesday to add the names of other candidates to the list, and candidates have until Dec. 9 to remove their names.
The GOP list includes Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. All eight participated in a southeast Michigan debate Wednesday night.
Others on the GOP list are Gary Johnson, Fred Karger and Buddy Roemer.
Fred Now on 2 Early State Primary Ballots
We have revised our campaign plan in New Hampshire to adjust to five fewer all important weeks of campaigning there. The NH Primary is now on January 10, 2012.
We have lots to do. We are making new commercials, meeting with Editorial Boards, conducting interviews, setting up direct mail, phone banking and hiring more field staff. Fred is in New Hampshire campaigning practically full time.
This is a historic time and we could really use your help. Please send in $10.00, $25.00 or even $100.00 today. If you have never contributed to Fred’s campaign, with the first primary only 8 weeks away, now is your chance. If you have given before, please give again.
With the Michigan news, success in New Hampshire becomes even more important. With your help we will be able to compete in all the upcoming primaries and caucuses.
Michigan News

November 11th, 2011
For link to story, CLICK HERE
On November 11, the Michigan Secretary of State released the names of candidates who will be on the February 28, 2012 presidential primary ballots. Here is the Republican list, which includes eleven candidates. The link also includes the Democratic list. The Republican list includes Buddy Roemer and Fred Karger, two candidates who names have not been included on the Florida Republican presidential primary ballot. The Michigan Republican Party compiled the list.
The Michigan Democratic presidential primary ballot just lists President Obama. Michigan does not give a presidential primary to any of the smaller qualified parties.
Anyone not on today’s list may still get on the presidential primary ballot by petition. To get on the Republican presidential primary, 10,244 signatures are needed (one-half of 1% of the November 2008 Republican presidential vote). To get on the Democratic ballot, the petition must include 14,000 signatures. Any registered voter may sign. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.

11 Republicans on primary ballot for Michigan
1:11 AM, Nov. 12, 2011
For link to story, CLICK HERE