Dear Friend:
May 26th marked the final day that Protect Marriage and National Organization for Marriage (NOM) could depose me and subpoena all of my emails, documents and records going back to January 1, 2008.
They subpoenaed me twenty-one months ago to try and silence me. It was in conjunction with their federal lawsuit, v. Bowen, a case they filed after Proposition 8 to end campaign finance reporting in California. They want to invalidate California’s 35 year old campaign finance law, so they can keep the names of their contributors secret.
Activist Subpoenaed by NOM
By Michelle Garcia
Posted on September 24, 2009 01:44:43 PM
California activist Fred Karger will appear in court on October 13 after being subpoenaed earlier this month by the National Organization for Marriage to turn over all e-mails, correspondence, faxes, and stored information relating to his grassroots organization Californians Against Hate… (more) For link to full story, CLICK HERE
I was subpoenaed Labor Day weekend 2009, right after filing a sworn complaint against NOM for money laundering with the State of Maine. Their subpoena only gave me greater resolve to continue to fight against Maggie Gallagher and Brian Brown.
I went to Augusta, Maine three times to testify against NOM. The investigation that my complaint led to by the State of Maine of NOM has been underway for nearly two years. The Maine Attorney General’s office is digging deep to find out where all NOM’s millions and millions of dollars come from. NOM even sued Maine to stop the investigation, and has lost three times in Federal Court.
I got the Mormon Church Investigated in California
My sworn complaint against the Mormon Church to the California Fair Political Practices Commission nearly three years ago led to the prosecution, investigation, guilty finding on 13 counts and fine against the Mormon Church. I filed that complaint in November 2008 just after they ran their successful Proposition 8 campaign, which took marriage equality away from millions of Californians.
Now, I am embarking on a new challenge, one where I can continue to take on these same bullies and new ones.
I was a guest on Rachel Maddow last week talking about Mitt Romney and the Mormon Church: CLICK HERE
I need your help now more than ever as I run for President as the first out gay candidate in history. Please send a generous contribution today to Fred Karger for President by clicking the link below.
You will not regret it. I will fight like hell against Maggie Gallagher, Brian Brown, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and anyone else who makes it his or her mission to gay bash.
Please join with me in this historic and exciting campaign. I will not let you down.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Fred Karger