By JASON CLAYWORTH • • October 26, 2010
An army of possible 2012 Republican presidential candidates is marching into Iowa, the nation’s first caucus state, in this final week of the midterm election cycle. On the list: former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, gay civil rights Republican activist Fred Karger, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, Texas Rep. Ron Paul and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.
Except Karger, all say they are on the campaign trail to stump for governor candidate Terry Branstad and other Republican candidates or their issues. But they are also promoting – at least indirectly – their own national political prominence. CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY
This was a HUGE breakthrough, to be included in the “pack,” and…
We had a very busy and exciting four days in Iowa last week.
Research Director Kevin Miniter, filmmaker John Keitel and I arrived in Des Moines on Monday and drove the two hours to Iowa City. We began Tuesday morning on a beautiful Iowa Fall day at the University of Iowa. I was invited to give three speeches at Iowa that day.
The first was to Outlaws, the LGBTQ law students organization. It was a great group of about 20 students who heard my story, and then peppered me with issue questions and got to see my commercial “Good Morning New Hampshire”, CLICK HERE TO VIEW and the incredible video by Real World Star Mike Manning with a wonderful message. CLICK HERE TO VIEW
Stimulating conversation with Outlaws, the LGBTQ Law Students at U of I.
From there we headed to wonderful Professor Angela Onwuachi-Willig’s family law class. As a guest lecturer, I spoke about my 3 decade history of political opposition research and campaigns, the national political climate and took a range of questions.
This was my first law school class where I was a guest lecturer. Didn’t get any apples, but the students did seem interested in what I had to say. Lots of great questions.
Then at 9:00 pm I was the speaker before the very impressive University of Iowa College Republicans. The club had quite a couple a weeks. They came under fire from the school paper for hosting very conservative Iowa Congressman, Steve King. Club Chairwoman Natalie Ginty defended their speakers in an excellent op ed in the Daily Iowan and spoke about their larger, inclusive ideology: CLICK HERE TO READ
As chairwoman of the UI College Republicans, I pride myself on bringing speakers to campus who will share viewpoints and ideas that college students don’t normally get to hear. This semester alone, we have hosted former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, Rep. Jeff Kaufmann, R-Wilton, congressional candidate Mariannette Miller-Meeks, gubernatorial candidate Terry Branstad, and Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Matt Strawn.
The CR’s were full of questions about campaigns past and present.
The next day was filled with meetings, a drive to Cedar Rapids, then Des Moines and finally up to Ames to attend and speak at a fun Halloween party at Iowa State University.
The costume party was put on by the Alliance and included a crazy costume contest!
Along with all the activities, we managed to film the first of our two new commercials. The Iowa spot is called “Independence Day,” and was shot all around the state. The commercial is being made by award winning filmmaker John Keitel
Here we are in front of the old Capitol building in Iowa City – what a site!!!
It was a little windy, but a beautiful fall day in Grinnell.
We arrive back in the Granite State this Wednesday on a four day post midterm elections swing.
John will be filming a second new commercial, called “Frisbee” (working title), which will be shot throughout New Hampshire this week. Shooting will begin Thursday and carry over until Friday at Dartmouth College, and Saturday at the University of New Hampshire.
Fred Frisbees will be flying all over New Hampshire this week!
Everyone is welcome to come to the filmings. We will be organizing Frisbee games at both schools. All participants will receive a Free Fred Who? T-shirt and a Fred Frisbee (while supplies last). If you’re in or around New Hampshire this week and want to be part of the fun, here’s the schedule:
Thursday, November 4th 11:30 am — meet at the Green at the entrance to Dartmouth campus, Hanover, NH.
Friday, November 5th 11:30 am — in case of really bad weather Thursday, meet at the same place, the Green.
Saturday, November 6th 11:00 am to 12:00 noon – meet at the field adjacent to Cowell Stadium, home to the University of New Hampshire Wildcats, Durham, NH.
Questions, call Kevin 202-365-2321 or
Thank you!!!
Please be sure to vote TUESDAY!!!