May 2, 2011                                                                      Contact: Rina Shah


South Carolina Debate – Fred Should be Included



TO:  Mrs. Karen Floyd, Chair, South Carolina Republican Party

Mr. Joel Sawyer, Executive Director, South Carolina Republican Party

Mr. Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO, News Corporation

Mr. Roger Ailes, President, Fox News Channel


DATE:  May 2, 2011

RE:   South Carolina Debate

Yesterday many brave Americans in our Special Forces Unit made our nation and the world a far safer place by eliminating Osama Bin Laden.  The U. S. Military, Homeland Security and the Central Intelligence Agency worked long and hard to rid the world of its worst terrorist.  These American heroes represent a wide array of backgrounds, who all came together for the common good.  They send a powerful message that Americans working together can accomplish anything.

As we celebrate victory over our enemy, there is a very important debate about to occur in just four days to help determine who may well be the next President of the United States.  The South Carolina Republican Party and Fox News are hosting this first-in-the-nation Presidential debate.  I hope that in the same spirit of victory over terrorism, you will open up your debate to send a powerful message that we are all Americans regardless of race, color, creed or sexuality.


We are One Nation

Now is the time to let me into your debate to show the country and the world that there is room on that stage for someone who is different from the rest, who brings a more independent voice on issues and whose long work in politics for President Reagan shares his great optimism for America.

I have been very encouraged about the news coming out of South Carolina regarding my participation in your Debate this Thursday.  I am sure you saw the Fox News Poll on Friday that had me at 1%.  Since Fox News is hosting and broadcasting the Debate, I would think that you agree that I have now met your threshold.

Buddy Roemer, who has reportedly paid the $25,000 fee and has been announced as a participant in your Debate, has not met the1% threshold in the most recent Fox poll or any others polls that we have seen.  As I pointed out in my April 27, 2011 Memorandum to you, if you include Mr. Roemer and not me, my attorneys feel that would be a clear violation of the “objective criteria” requirement of the Federal Election Commission in determining debate participants.  This would leave me no other choice than to take this matter up with the FEC.

By your use of “subjective criteria” to pick Debate participants, I cannot think of any reason to leave me out, other than the fact that I am gay.  It truly makes no sense.


I Have Tickets to the Debate

I will be in Greenville Thursday evening to either be in the Debate or watch it from the audience.

I have been a registered Republican working for Republican candidates for over 45 years.  I have worked on nine Republican Presidential campaigns and dozens more for Governor, U. S. Senate, Congress and state and local candidates.  I will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the proceedings, and I should be allowed a place on that stage in Greenville Thursday night.

Tim Pawlenty spoke out regarding this on Saturday, “I hope all of the serious or even potential candidates are going to get in this debate.”

Mitt Romney said on CNN recently, “The more people we have in the debates, talking about different ideas and different approaches, the better.”

And 32 years ago in New Hampshire, when he was running for President, my old boss Ronald Reagan even demanded that the Nashua Debate be opened up to all candidates, and uttered the famous line when the moderator attempted to silence him for objecting to the inclusion of other candidates, “Mr. Breen, I am paying for this microphone.”

I have placed a telephone call today to Joel Sawyer at SCGOP and have reached out to Michael Clemente at Fox News to find out your decision.  I will overnight my notarized application in today and am prepared to transfer $25,000 from Fred Karger for President to the SCGOP by your deadline of 5:00 pm tomorrow, Tuesday, May 3, 2011 in order to be included in Thursday’s debate.

I have a web site up with much of the South Carolina and national news coverage about my being left out:

I hope that you will do the right thing and not treat me differently, and allow me to participate in the South Carolina Republican Party and Fox News Debate on Thursday.

Thank you very much.

Best regards.

Fred Karger

cc: Distribution


Fred’s First New Hampshire Precinct Walk Planned this Saturday

Note: Immediately following Thursday’s Debate in Greenville, SC, Fred will fly up to New Hampshire for his first big precinct walk and Fred Frisbee giveaway this Saturday, May 7th.  Over 20 people have signed up for the first of what promises to be many more around the Granite State over the next ten months.

Walkers will meet on Saturday, May 7, 2011 in Hanover, NH at 10:30 am for coffee, Dunkin Donuts and instructions. Then the walkers will go door to door throughout Hanover handing out campaign literature and Fred Frisbees to voters.

Dartmouth College Coordinator, Tyler Ford is organizing the walk and has announced that there will be a bagpiper leading the way for all the walkers on Saturday.  “We want it to be fun and lively and with a bagpiper with us, we will be able to point out how frugal Fred is,” said Ford.  “Then immediately after the walk we’re coming back to the meeting place for pizza and to talk about how much fun we had talking to voters and giving away Fred Frisbees.”