November 2, 2011

Contact: Rina Shah


Okay, Florida, you had your chance to move your

Primary back to March 2012

Kicks off Month-Long Florida Orange Juice Boycott!

TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA – California businessman and former Reagan aide Fred Karger continues his campaign to get Florida to stop hurting the selection of the next President of the United States.  Karger will keep his campaign promise by calling for a national boycott of Florida Orange Juice effective November 1, 2011 and for the next 30 days or until Florida officials come to their senses.

New Commercial and Web Site to Launch Boycott

The November Boycott kicks off with a slick new commercial called “Anita Who?”:


“Every four years we pick the nominees for President of the two major political parties in this country,” said Karger.  “Now for whatever reason the state of Florida moved its Primary from March 2012 to January 31, 2012, forcing the four traditionally early states to move their primaries up as well.  New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada all lose half their delegates because of Florida.  The voters lose, too.  Voters need more time to get to know all eleven serious GOP candidates for President.  We hope that by putting economic pressure on Florida’s 2nd largest industry – Orange Juice – state leaders will do the right thing.”

“It appears that frontrunner Mitt Romney is the only one who benefits by Florida’s move.  He hopes to wrap this up by January 31st and this is way too important a decision to short-circuit the process just to help Romney,” concluded Karger.

Send Florida politicians a message, “Quit mucking up the election and move the Florida Primary back to March!”


Op Ed in New Hampshire Union Leader




Another View: If Florida doesn’t move its primary back, it’s boycott time
Published Oct 25, 2011 at 3:00 am (Updated Oct 24, 2011)

For link to full story, CLICK HERE

Florida is jeopardizing the most important decision we make as Americans every four years; the election of the President of the United States. By violating Republican National Committee rules and choosing Jan. 31, 2012 for its presidential primary, Florida has caused tremendous disruption in the presidential selection process, and has gained nothing by moving its primary date forward.

Florida will remain the fifth contest, and has created havoc and uncertainty in New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada and South Carolina by forcing these four states to go earlier than planned. The “Sunshine State” would only serve to rob voters of one of the most important tools they need to make an informed decision: time.  (MORE…)


Letter sent to the Governor two weeks ago

We warned Governor Rick Scott, State House Speaker Dean Cannon and Secretary of State Kurt Browning and other Florida political leaders on October 19, 2011 that we would launch our boycott.

Sign our petition

Please join the fight.  Go to and sign our petition:  CLICK HERE

Visit our new web site, check out and sign the petition and post both links all over town or at least on facebook and tweet them.

Working together America wins.

Thank you!!!
