Contact: Rina Shah
“A First from the United States”

LONDON — Sir David Frost, in his first interview of any 2012 Presidential candidate, chose businessman Fred Karger for the in-depth exchange that aired on Al Jazeera English throughout the world on Friday and is now up online: CLICK HERE or on image below.
Sir David discussed a wide range of issues with Fred, from President Obama’s failures, to how the GOP is reacting to his candidacy, his bipartisanship, opening up the Republican Party and his campaign theme “Bringing Back the American Spirit.”
Karger spoke out on Romney, and was asked by Frost if he would choose Sarah Palin as his running-mate. Click the link to hear the 7 minute exciting interview: CLICK HERE
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Sir David even called Fred “smashing” after the interview (see Dan Morain Column below).
OC Weekly’s R. Scott Moxley Profiles Fred in Cover Story

Fred on the elephant and on the cover of this week’s O C Weekly! It’s a great read with fun campaign pics. For the full story: CLICK HERE.
Dan Morain’s Sacramento Bee Column

Dan Morian goes from Fred Who? to Why Not Fred? in his excellent column from Sunday’s Bee: CLICK HERE.
Now you can listen to Fred’s full 25 minute BBC interview by HARDtalk’s Stephen Sackur from London, the radio version: CLICK HERE.
Capitol Weekly’s Greg Lucas Profiles Fred

Leave it to veteran reporter Greg Lucas, with his wit and humor, to report on Fred’s campaign and his first foreign trip as a Presidential candidate to Israel and London. Check it out in the recent issue of California’s Capitol Weekly: CLICK HERE
Fred to New Hampshire June 9th – 15th.
Trip #15 to Include Campaigning, Media Appearances
Manchester Walk & Frisbee Giveaway on Sat, June 11th at 12 noon

Kirk the Bagpiper leads the way on our last Saturday walk in Hanover, NH. Join him again this Saturday at noon.
Schedule to Follow Soon
Media requests: Rina Shah, Communications Director 304-237-6489
Political requests: Kevin Miniter, NH Coordinator 202-365-2321
First Bumper Sticker Spotted in New Hampshire

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