Contact: Rina Shah
Featured in the Boston Globe,
In New Hampshire for 5 Days, and Raises $264,000
MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE – Presidential candidate Fred Karger challenged Marcus Bachmann to a debate on his controversial conversion therapy, which is practiced at two Bachmann owned Minnesota clinics. Marcus Bachmann, husband of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R – MN6) has referred to gay teens as barbarians.
Karger sent the following email to Marcus Bachmann today, and made a CNN iReport video request for him to quit hiding and “come out of the closet” and defend his conversion therapy practiced at both his Christian counseling clinics (which receive state and federal funds).

“Marcus Bachmann you are convinced that someone can “pray away the gay” and actually own two clinics in Minnesota where you and your 27 therapists actually practice this falsehood. Just last year you referred to gays and lesbian teenagers as “Barbarians, who need to be educated.”
Michele links the acceptance of gays and lesbians to Satan.
There is no place for this type of hate-speak and 19th Century thinking in the current presidential campaign. Michele and you refuse to comment about your past statements and beliefs. America needs to hear directly about where both of you stand on this issue which affects millions of lives.
Marcus Bachmann come out of the closet and debate me.

I will meet you anywhere, any place at any time, even at one of your clinics in Minnesota.
As the first out gay candidate for president, I have first-hand knowledge about a subject which you claim expertise. Let me know if you accept this challenge.”
Fred Karger
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Here’s a wonderful profile of Fred from yesterday’s Boston Globe by Shira Schoenberg. It appeared just below a story and photo of President Obama. Bring him on!
July 14, 2011 | By Shira Schoenberg, Globe Correspondent
For link to story, CLICK HERE.
MANCHESTER, N. H. – Fred Karger is quick to tick off the slights to his presidential campaign. The Conservative Political Action Conference wouldn’t rent him a booth. He wasn’t invited to speak at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition. He didn’t meet the criteria for inclusion in a New Hampshire debate… (more)
Karger Raises $267,000 – Files Campaign Report With FEC
In his second filing turned in electronically to the Federal Election Commission today, Fred Karger reported raising a total of $267,000. This reflects the 2nd quarter amount of $87,000 bringing the full amount raised from July 18, 2010 (when he formed his Exploratory Committee) to June 30, 2011. Karger was the first major candidate for president to file with the FEC back on March 23, 2011.
“We just began our fund-raising in earnest, and for a first time candidate we did pretty well,” said Karger. “Much of the money came from me, but we have two fund-raising events coming up next week in California.”
Thursday, July 21st in San Francisco from 6:30 to 9:00 pm, with special guest, Mike Manning; star of MTV’s Real World, Washington DC. CLICK HERE

Mike Manning
Beverly Hills
Sunday, July 24th in Beverly Hills from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at Michael Libow’s The Witch’s House: CLICK HERE

New Hampshire Visit #16
Businessman Fred Karger is on day #2 of his 16th trip to New Hampshire since first coming to the Granite State from his home in California in February of 2010. Fred has a jam packed five days taking him all over the state. The trip includes meetings, speeches, Exeter American Independence Festival, press, and even judging tonight’s Keene Idol talent contest. Check out for more details.

By Todd A. Heywood | 7.13.11 | 7:42 am
For link to full story, CLICK HERE
“Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger on Tuesday night slammed fellow contestant for the nomination Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota over allegations a counseling clinic she co-owns with her husband is offering ex-gay therapy.
“‘She’s a liar and now that she’s been busted, she’s trying to divert attention away from her lies,” Karger said in an exclusive interview with Michigan Messenger. “She is just another hypocrite and bigot.’…”(more)

Fred Karger: Michele Bachmann A Liar, ‘Hypocrite And Bigot’
For link to full story, CLICK HERE
“Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger, the first openly-gay contender to vie for his party’s nomination, sharply criticized rival GOP hopeful Michele Bachmann in an exclusive interview with the Michigan Messenger published online on Wednesday.
Karger took aim at Bachmann over controversial therapy methods reportedly practiced at her husband’s Minnesota clinic…” (more)