Published on Jul 29, 2010 03:50PM
by Rosemary Winters
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Fred Karger, a gay civil rights activist and a Republican, has been dropping not-so-subtle hints that he may seek the GOP nomination for president in 2012. This week, Karger let reporters know he will be spending some more time in New Hampshire, home of the first-in-the-nation primary election in January 2012.
“I have been in New Hampshire for nearly a month so far this year, and will be spending a lot more time there over the next year and a half,” Karger said in a statement. “Lots to do.”
Karger has dubbed the potential, long-shot presidential campaign “Fred Who?”
Karger founded Californians Against Hate in reaction to Proposition 8, the successful California ballot measure that overturned gay marriage in the state in 2008. He filed complaints against the LDS Church for under-reported donations in the “Yes on 8” campaign.
In June, the California Fair Political Practices Commission fined the church $5,539 for $36,928 in contributions that were not reported on time.
Karger recently changed the name of Californians Against Hate to Rights Equal Rights to reflect a new national scope and direction.