Aug 24, 2010
nh insider

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Fred Karger Presidential Exploratory Committee


Well, we are spending this week on beautiful Martha’s Vineyard – having a working vacation.  Sound familiar?  Haven’t seen the First Family yet, but I bet the cold and rain are keeping them indoors, too. What a week!  Left for Des Moines last Monday and spent three busy days in Iowa.  We met with lots of people.  Had meetings each day, but the highlight was to spend all day Wednesday at the famous Iowa State Fair.
I began the day as a guest on the Jan Mickelson in the Morning Show on WHO Radio from 10:40 to 11:30 am.  I followed former two-term U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA).  Team Karger then ate our way all over the fairgrounds.

We spent a couple hours in front of the Iowa Republican Party’s Booth at the Fair.  We met hundreds of fairgoers, and gave away lots of Fred Frisbees.  Special thanks to the GOP for being so welcoming.

Then our merry band went to the Grand Concourse to eat.  Fried mac ‘n cheese, pork chops on a stick, root beer floats, and several rounds of the best corn dogs and lemonade on the planet were devoured.

We saw two of Iowa’s most prominent political reporters, and went to say hello to WHO-TV’s Dave Price and the Des Moines Register’s Kathie Obradovich.  They did a joint interview with me which aired on WHO-TV (Channel 13 – NBC) that evening.  The piece was about the two unknown candidates considering running for President in 2012, Rick Santorum and me.

We spent a long day at the Fair, and got the warmest welcome from all.  Here are some great photos taken by photographer Tina Johnson:


Here I am being interviewed by Jan Mickelson on his very popular talk radio show.  I had been on once before via phone from California, but it was great to be on with Jan in person from the Fair!


I followed two-term U.S. Senator Rick Santorum on the radio.  I managed to get this picture with him during the crossover.


Here I am greeting fairgoers in front of the beautiful Grandstands with Nathan.


We spent several hours handing our Fred Who? cards and the ever- popular Fred Frisbees in front of the Iowa GOP booth.  Met so many wonderful Iowans of all ages.


Here I am in the Varied Industries Building at the GOP booth.


The Des Moines Register hosts a soap box for political speeches right in front of their booth on the Grand Concourse.  While it is only for 2010 candidates, I posed for a couple of photos between speeches.


Here I am meeting and greeting on the very busy Grand Concourse.


We saw Dave Price and Kathie Obradovich and I ended up getting interviewed for that night’s news!


Here’s Team Karger with the banner as we walked around the Fair.  Lots of people came up and asked “Fred Who?”


Fred Who? was all around the Fair.  Kevin and Ann helping to spread the name on the Grand Concourse.


Here’s Rick Santorum again, this time in front of the GOP booth.  Wait, is that a Fred Frisbee he is holding??


I waved goodbye to the 2010 Iowa Fair with my delicious pork chop on a stick.  Yumm….


We stumbled across Frisbie Park just outside downtown Des Moines, and posed for some photos.  Here I am about to throw a Fred Frisbee in Frisbie Park

Then we were back in New Hampshire on Thursday for Trip #5 this year.  Spent two days in Manchester, the Granite State’s biggest city.  Had several meetings and even went car shopping.  Looking for an SUV Hybrid, which really narrows down the options.


It was nice to be back in New Hampshire.  Stopped by the Mayor’s office in City Hall.  It’s a beautiful and historic building with photos of past Mayors dating back to Manchester’s first – Mayor Hiram Brown in 1846.  Here I am checking a few emails on my trusty blackberry.


I became the first possible Presidential candidate for 2012 to ride a Segway out of the brand new flagship Segway store in Manchester, the birthplace of the Segway.  They are manufactured in nearby Bedford.

I challenge all other potential candidates for President in 2012 to take the Segway tour around Manchester, and support this great local company.

On Saturday, Kevin and I drove down to Woods Hole and took the 45 minute ferry ride to Martha’s Vineyard.

We had the privilege of attending Maxim Thorne’s WRAP Weekend here.  Maxim brings together the best and brightest people to meet, debate and share ideas and information.  It was an incredible and inspirational two days.

Friday it’s back to New Hampshire and then up to Ogunquit, ME.  Will keep you posted.