Fred’s off to Iowa, Again
DES MOINES, IOWA – Fred Karger left California today for his fourth trip to Iowa since April. He will be heading straight to Iowa City for three speaking engagements at the University of Iowa on Tuesday, October 26th. Karger will speak to a Family Law Class at the Law School, address a meeting of “Outlaws,” the LGBTQ student organization at Iowa’s Law School and speak to the weekly meeting of the Iowa College Republicans Tuesday evening.
Fred will then head to Ames for a speech the next day to the Iowa State College Republicans on Wednesday evening, October 27th. Fred’s detailed schedule is up on the web site:
While in Iowa, Fred will be handing out his latest product, the brand new Fred Who? Iowa license plate T-shirts (see below).

The Iowa license plate version is the second in a series of Fred Who? state plate T-shirts. The T-shirts and all other products will be available soon at the online store at:
Karger joins several other possible 2012 Presidential candidates who will be visiting Iowa this week, just ahead of the November 2nd election, including former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich also stopped in western Iowa last Friday, and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty plans events in the state Oct. 31.
In the News
Here are two great stories that just came out. One is from The Daily Iowan – University of Iowa, and the other is from The Dartmouth – Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
Daily Iowan by Natalie Ginty
The Dartmouth by Jonathan Pedde
Then to Points East
Immediately following his four day Iowa visit, Fred will head to Connecticut and New York for meetings and a fund-raiser, then to Washington, DC for election night and back to New Hampshire on November 3rd for the rest of the week. It looks like there might even be a couple more commercials in the works.