Labor Day Report
Fred With White House Press and Greeting UNH Students as Classes Begin
MARTHA’S VINEYARD, MA & DURHAM, NH – After attending the WRAP Conference on Martha’s Vineyard, we spent the rest of the week on this beautiful island off Cape Cod, MA. It coincided with the Obama’s vacation. So, we made a couple of visits to the Mansion House, where the White House Press Corps was headquartered. It was an excellent opportunity to meet some of the journalists who cover the President. We gave away press kits and left behind plenty of Fred Frisbees, stickers, cards and pins.
Here’s the press filing room at the Mansion House in Vineyard Haven.
Up on the roof of the Mansion House. Quick mock interview in the spot where all the networks reported from.
Making this year’s trip #6 to the first-in-the-nation primary state, several friends and I campaigned in front of the Memorial Union Building (MUB) at the University of New Hampshire on Monday, as UNH students returned to campus for their first day of classes.
Wearing the famous Fred Who? – New Hampshire license plate replica T-shirts, we welcomed students back from summer break, and gave away lots of Fred Frisbees, web cards, stickers and pins to students, faculty and families of students. Our time on campus included a visit to the office of MultiCultural Student Affairs, The New Hampshire (the student newspaper) and the dining room. A Frisbee game got underway on the lawn in front of the MUB.
Am looking forward to spending a lot more time in New Hampshire the rest of this year and next.
We spent last Monday at the University of New Hampshire meeting
and greeting students and their families.
It was a warm day and the Fred Frisbees were very popular at UNH.
Sure enough, several spontaneous Frisbee games erupted!
Fred Frisbees were popular with the entire family!
Team Karger at work spreading good cheer along with stickers, web cards and T-shirts. Lee, Kevin, Leslie, Fred and Callie in front of the MUB.
Frisbees and skateboards go well together.
Even campus security was welcoming. Gave him a web card.
Other News
Two recent news developments; One Iowa and GLAAD got Clear Channel to correct WHO Radio’s Jan Mickelson’s terrible HIV/AIDS comments that he made the day after I was interviewed on his show:
And here is great a story about the coming out of former GOP National Chairman Ken Mehlman by Stephanie Mencimer in Mother Jones Magazine and my comments:
Check out the big profile in the highly regarded Democracy in Action, by Eric Appleman
And Full Interview:
Check out our web site:
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